Dynamics of Implementing Islamic Law Through the Islamic Sharia Enforcement Committee in South Sulawesi

  • Muhammadong, Nurhilaliyah, Khaerunnisa
Keywords: Dynamics, Enforcement, Islamic, Law, Shariah


The aim of this research is to determine the dynamics of enforcement of Islamic law in South Sulawesi. The method used is field research to find the phenomenon being studied regarding the enforcement of Islamic law. The research results show that the enforcement of Islamic law is very dynamic among society. There are still pros and cons in enforcing these regulations due to socio cultural factors and community culture. However, the majority of people want the enforcement of Islamic law to realize religious observance. Preparatory committee for the enforcement of Islamic law. Institutions in carrying out religious functions are very strong in fighting for the enforcement of Islamic law. The community's aspirations are widely accepted by this institution as a precursor to enforcing Islamic law. Several regions have implemented enforcement of Islamic law through regional regulations. This regulation certainly has a positive impact on society. It's just that there needs to be cooperation between the government and society so that enforcement of Islamic law can run optimally. The results of the research show the level of satisfaction among the community in implementing Islamic law because it has a positive impact on their lives and motivates them to practice an integrated religion through the application of Islamic law.

Author Biography

Muhammadong, Nurhilaliyah, Khaerunnisa

1Muhammadong, 2Nurhilaliyah, 3Khaerunnisa

1,2,3 Universitas Negeri Makassar

1muhammadong@unm.ac.id, 2nurhilaliyah@unm.ac.id, 3khaerunnisa@unm.ac.id

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